People first



An ePRO that centers around patients

現代の被験者は、時代遅れで面倒な学習を必要としない、操作性に優れた革新的なテクノロジーを求めています。そのため、私たちは市場で最も新しく魅力的なePRO/eCOAソリューションである、Viedoc Meを開発しました。スタッフや被験者にとって最もスムーズでシンプルなデータ収集プロセスを提供できるように設計されています。誰でも世界中のいたるところから自分のデバイスを使用して容易にアクセスでき、症状や副作用が報告されしだい直ちに対応が可能です。また、あらゆる言語に対応可能です。

Viedoc Me の詳細を確認する

Tablet support

Support patients at any time with televisits 

Viedoc Connectは、Viedoc Meを使用する被験者と遠隔で通話することで来院と同等の診察が行える、多目的に利用可能で応答性の高い遠隔医療ソリューションです。安全なビデオ通話を通して被験者と簡単につながり、遠隔で診療活動が行えます。医療施設への来院が行えない場合でも、eConsentプロセス、事前スクリーニング、リクルートメント活動、およびフォローアップ診察を可能にします。アプリケーションを切り替えることなく、一回のログインでシームレスにあらゆる業務を行うことができます。

Viedoc Connect の詳細を確認する

Full control and overview

Set your own boundaries, or defy them


Viedoc ソリューションの詳細を確認する

Key features

  • EDC

    Data collection

    Features for collection, viewing and reviewing of CRF data in an ICH GCP compliant manner, including capture of binary data (images / documents)

    Sign data on form, visit or patient level

    Link data between forms (e.g. AE and CM)

    Laboratory reference values with time, location and factor scope

    Study building

    Drag-and-drop form design with more than 18 different item types to choose from

    Form preview allowing the designer to verify layout, conditions and checks directly onscreen

    Automatic creation of blank and annotated CRFs

    CDISC CDASH form library with over 20 ready-to-use forms

    Ready-to-use study templates in CDISC ODM XML format

    Form translator for managing multiple study languages

    Best-in-class support for complex study designs / requirements

    Study management

    Role delegation service

    Study level database lock feature

    Study-recreation from a previous snapshot (CDISC ODM)

    Unique and fully self-service study decommissioning feature including status reports and archiving recommendations

    Documentation and certification management

    Assignment of study designs

    Study settings

    Study license management

    API management

    TMF management

    RTSM management

    Reference data management

    Medical coding dictionary management

    User management

    Site creation, with code, time zone, type (production / training), recruitment metrics

    User management, with invites, resets, and removals

  • ePRO / eCOA

    An integrated and configurable ePRO / eCOA feature according to the BYOD model

    Supports custom workflows and complex decision trees Televisits

    Reminders in local language via SMS and email Customizable VAS

    File upload

    Drawing pad with body map, signature line, or blank background

    Support for unscheduled data entries

    40 languages including right­to­left typing

    Library of validated ePRO / eCOA forms

    Integration with smartwatches, thermometers, scales, and more

  • eConsent

    Coming soon. Our eConsent process is smooth and reliable. Once combined, our range of products deliver an enhanced user experience with maximum flexibility for both the site and the participant. Remotely share essential information with participants and assess their understanding, expedite participant identification, and retrieve signatures.

  • Televisits

    Secure peer to peer video calls

    Screen sharing

    No installs or downloads

    Easy access

    Join in one click

    Audit log tracking date, time, duration and participants

  • API

    24 / 7 output to Excel, CSV, SAS, PDF / A (compliant to FDA submission, eCTD) and CDISC ODM formats

    Scheduled exports

    Online data preview and chart visualization

    API for import and export of data in CDISC ODM

    Real-time metrics on data quality and performance

Let's connect!